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Utah University

  • Used field experiments to examine the influence of placed signs in regard to aluminum can recycling.
  • Findings showed that well placed and designed signs can influence behavior while signs are in place and even after they are removed.
  • Furthermore, a persuasive message is more influential than convenient, however combining the message and convenience proved to be most successful in increasing recycling.
  • Students already having a  pro-recycling mindset were more likely to be affected by the signs.

Utah University

Other College Efforts

Francis Marion University 


  • Conducted a recycling experiment on 3 groups of students residing in apartments.

-Group one was given education on recycling as well as recycling bins.
-Group two was given only recycling bins.
-Group three was given nothing.


  • Results showed that groups one and two reduced their waste stream. Over 33% of the normal waste was recycled.
  • FMU concluded that education on recycling was not necessary as it only resulted in a 10% improvement in glass recycling.

​Michigan State University


  • In 2006, Michigan State University launched the Be Spartan Green Environmental Stewardship Initiative; a major component of this project was designing a new recycling program.

-The school sent web-surveys to students and staff throughout the entire campus.

-The surveys showed that community members did not know what materials to recycle or where items can be recycled.

-MSU has provided increased numbers and types of recycling bins at locations across campus.

-MSU has begun an environmental steward program with trained stewards for each of its buildings on campus.

Francis Marion University

Michigan State University

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